Registration Form for Version 2.0 of: Money Smith Copyright (c) 1991-1992 by Bradley J. Smith All Rights Reserved. Compuserve [70324,1077]; Prodigy[VTDW36A] Printing this form: Load it using the notepad. Choose the File Print command from the menu to print it. Phone Ordering: TOLL FREE! See readme.txt file for details!* Instructions: Fill out form completely. Print clearly. Send completed form with US Check or Money Order payable to: Money Smith Systems; P.O. Box 333; Converse, TX 78109 DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE(US$) TOTAL 1 Copy Money Smith with manual ___ copies x $29.95 $_________ * Site License Discounts: Includes 1 disk, 1 copy of manual, * plus site license agreement - only via mail. 2-4 computers at $25.00 each ___ computers x $25.00 $_________ 5-9 computers at $23.00 each ___ computers x $23.00 $_________ 10-24 computers at $20.00 each ___ computers x $20.00 $_________ 25-49 computers at $18.00 each ___ computers x $18.00 $_________ 50-74 computers at $16.00 each ___ computers x $16.00 $_________ 75 and up $1200 one time fee per site. Financial Calculator Only ____ copies x $15.00 $_________ Additional printed manuals ____ copies x $6.00 $_________ --------------------------------------------SUBTOTAL $_________ Shipping and Handling $____4.00_ Texas Residents ONLY add 8-1/4% sales tax $_________ $2 extra for Overseas Shipping & Handling $_________ -----------------------------------------GRAND TOTAL $_________ * International orders - see details in readme.txt! DISK SIZE: 3-1/2" (720K) ________ 5-1/4" (360K) __________ REGISTER TO:___________________ COMPANY: _________________________ SHIP TO: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ CITY:________________ STATE_________ ZIP_____________ COUNTRY: ______________________________________________ PHONE: (Optional) ___________________ DATE: ___________